Bello Moto Balcony Display Dramatic Machine Art Solution
Bello Moto is pleased to present our custom solution to artful display of vintage and modern scooters and motorcycles … The Bello Balcony Display.
We have crafted a secure and solid wall mount with a transparent plexiglass panel. Balcony Display unit mounts securely to any vertical surface and provides maximum visibility of a showcase bike.
The perfect display solution for art galleries, restaurants, wineries, clubs, event spaces, coffee shops and public spaces. The attractive unit is constructed of welded brushed stainless steel with a thick (bullet proof) plexiglass shelf and capable of supporting up to 500 lbs.
Balcony Display units are available for outright purchase at $850 each.
(This barely covers our cost FYI.)
Bello Moto also offers a complete Machine Art Subscription Program at a special package offer rate, which includes the installation of Bello Moto Display units at your facility and scheduled monthly or bi-monthly rotation of your choice of vintage scooters from our collection of over 100 vintage machines.
Set up and installation $450 per unit, no additional charge for display unit, monthly scooter rental $250, minimum term 6 months.
Please inquire below to get the bello balcony display today!